When it comes to money, you need options that work for you, and one of the options you might select may be a digital bank such as Facebank, WISE, or banks that partner with WISE.

We do accept digital bank accounts for both billing and for payments to you. However, please be aware if you use a digital bank account, we may not be able to help you if you have trouble with making a payment or receiving funds.

Digital banks work through a partner bank to process transactions with Upwork. Due to that, tracing digital bank transactions is not always possible, and even when we can trace the transaction it may take a long time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use Facebank for receiving payments?

Yes, you can use digital bank accounts such as Facebank. However, if you have issues receiving your payments, we may not be able to trace the payment to help you resolve the issue.

Digital banks partner with another bank to process transactions with Upwork. Because of this, tracing transactions through a digital bank is not always possible, and when it can be done, it may take longer than the usual 2-4 weeks that it usually takes for a physical bank. This means the problem may take longer to resolve than it would with a physical bank, or we may not be able to help you at all.

Does a Facebank account qualify for ACH deposits?

Yes, freelancers can use Facebank for ACH. However, if you have issues receiving your payments, we may not be able to trace the payment to help you resolve the issue.

Digital banks partner with another bank to process ACH transactions. Because of this, tracing transactions through a digital bank is not always possible, and when it can be done, it may take a long time. This means the problem may take longer to resolve than it would with a physical bank, or we may not be able to help you at all.

Can I use Facebank as my billing method?

Yes, you can use a digital bank such as Facebank for billing. However, please consider that if your funds do not come through to us, or if you are owed a refund and do not receive your money, we may not be able to help you.

Digital banks partner with another bank to process transactions with Upwork. Because of this, tracing transactions through a digital bank is not always possible and even when it can be done, it may take a long time. This means the problem may take longer to resolve than it would with a physical bank, or we may not be able to help you at all.

Does my Facebank account qualify as an ACH billing method?

Yes, you can use Facebank for ACH billing if you are eligible to use ACH on Upwork. However, please consider that if your funds do not come through to us, or if you are owed a refund and do not receive your money, we may not be able to help you.

Digital banks partner with another bank to process ACH transactions. Because of this, tracing transactions through a digital bank is not always possible and even when it can be done, it may take a long time. This means the problem may take longer to resolve than it would with a physical bank, or we may not be able to help you at all.

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