Clients on an Enterprise plan and freelancers on any membership plan can request access to Upwork's API in order to integrate Upwork's features with their website and/or internal systems.

To request an API key, the following minimum criteria must be met:

  1. Your Upwork profile must have:
    1. A valid name (no fake names, no company names)
    2. A valid address (including apartment number) - either in your personal or your company’s profile
    3. A valid profile picture
  2. Please provide a short description of what you are planning on using our APIs for (this info is required when you apply for a key). Please specify whether you are planning on exposing your application to third parties or you are planning on using it only for personal purposes.
  3. Please agree to use the Upwork API in a manner that does not exceed a reasonable request volume. Our daily allowed limit is 40K requests.
  4. Please refrain from using the Upwork logo, brand name, brand theme/colors and trademarked content in your application

Note that Upwork does not provide a sandboxed environment or testing accounts for third-party developers usage. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Request an API key


Once you have submitted a request we will reply by email within two weeks, either approving or rejecting your request. If your request is rejected please check that you followed all the guidelines above. If you find you made an error or left out a detail that caused your request to be denied, you may update your application and re-submit it. We will then review the API key request one more time.

* Commercial use of the Upwork API is available only to select commercial partners with prior permission. Please, contact to discuss details of any potential commercial use of our API. For full terms of use, please refer to the API section in the Upwork Terms of Service.

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