✓ Add milestones on an Enterprise fixed-price contract

When you’re ready to give your freelancer more work, you know you’re moving in the right direction. The way you add more work to the contract for your freelancer will depend on whether or not you’re an Enterprise Compliance account. Learn more about Enterprise Compliance accounts.

For non-compliance accounts

To add more work for your freelancer on a fixed-price contract, you’ll need to add and activate a milestone. Be sure to discuss the additional work in advance with your freelancer.

To add a milestone:

  1. Go to View contracts on your dashboard
  2. Open the contract you wish to update
  3. Choose the Add new milestone button
  4. Enter the milestone details and choose Save or Save and add another

For compliance accounts

To kick off more work with an existing freelancer when you have a compliance account, you’ll create a new contract. You’ll need to do this because any changes or additions to the original scope must go through a classification review, which generally takes 1-3 business days. Please ensure that no work is performed on the new project until the classification review is complete and the freelancer has accepted the offer on the platform. We take this extra precaution to ensure you are protected.

To end the current contract:

  1. Make final payments to your current milestone, if necessary
  2. Go to JobsAll Contracts to find the contract
  3. Choose the (...) options button and select End contract
  4. Select End Contract to confirm

To rehire your freelancer or agency on a new contract:

  1. Choose Talent > My Hires
  2. Under My Hires, you'll see the talent you've worked with on past projects
  3. Choose the (...) button next to the talent you want to rehire
  4. Select the Hire option from the dropdown menu
  5. Select the contract terms and send an offer

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I enrolled in compliance services?

To determine if you are currently enrolled in compliance services, go to Settings › My Info › Company details. If it says Enterprise Compliance, you are. If it says Enterprise Standard, you are not.

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