This article explains how to create a compelling Upwork profile, keeping clients in mind and focusing on what you can help them accomplish. Start with the basics and complete all the sections to improve job matches, then put some extra effort in to enhance and polish your profile. Highlight your skills through standardized keywords, include a professional profile photo, and showcase your expertise in your title and overview. Add an introduction video and a portfolio of your best work to enhance your profile's appeal. Include your certifications, employment history, and education to help establish credibility. Pro tip: Keep your profile client-focused, concise, and consistently updated. - Article summary created by AI

Creating your profile is the first step toward building meaningful relationships on Upwork. This is your spotlight for showing clients how you can help them complete their projects and grow their business.

Fully completing your profile also helps us match you with more relevant projects, and we require a complete profile for you to be eligible to achieve Rising Talent or Top Rated status.

But what does a top-notch profile look like?

The easiest way to get started is to focus on the basics. Choose a profile title that communicates what you offer. Select work categories that are most relevant to your skill set. Set an hourly rate that reflects your skills and experience level. Learn more about how to complete these items and other essential parts of your profile.

Then, consider these tips to help enhance your profile and showcase your experience and expertise in the best light.

Showcase your skills

We developed a list of standardized skills to help you quickly identify your strengths and connect you with relevant projects. These skills also help clients find you more easily.

Take note of the keywords that potential clients include in their job descriptions to help focus your profile. For example, you may see that clients in your niche look for freelancers by the service they want (i.e. logo design, web design) rather than the tools needed (i.e. Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop).

Select a profile photo

Trust is key to any relationship, and your profile picture can help clients feel more trusting and confident about working with you. If a picture is worth a thousand words, what does your profile picture say about you?

When selecting a photo, please make sure:

  • It is a real photo of you and does not appear to be fake or an AI-generated image
  • It is at least 250 x 250 pixels
  • It is no more than 4000 x 4000 pixels
  • The extension is .jpeg or .png
  • The max size is 5 MB

Here are some other tips to keep in mind when selecting your profile picture:

Find your best light — Shady areas outdoors without direct sunlight or on a cloudy day are a great lighting choice. Inside, avoid overhead light, which creates harsh shadows, and instead look for natural light.

Simplify the background — Look for a plain and light background that is clear and uncluttered. A solid, not-too-bright wall, such as the side of a concrete or brick building, or a simple outdoor background might work well.

Focus on your face — Face the camera straight on or with your shoulders at a slight angle. Crop the image so you only include your head and the top of your shoulders. Dress in professional attire and remember to smile! Clients tend to view smiling freelancers as more warm, friendly, and trustworthy.

Get ready for the photoshoot — Have someone take your photo for you, or set up a tripod and take the photo yourself, and select the highest resolution to help ensure a crisp photo. Consider taking multiple photos, in several locations and with different poses, so that you’ll have a variety to choose from.

How to take a profile picture for Upwork

Highlight your expertise

Your profile title is one of the first things that clients see when they find your profile in search. This makes it a powerful tool for communicating what you offer.

Example: How a freelancer's title and overview show up in search results.

Because your overview is at the top of your profile, it’s a highly visible part of your marketing. Use it to introduce yourself and pitch your services. The rest of your written profile is a chance to show what you’ve done, and what you can do for future clients.

Create an introduction video

Establishing a personal connection remotely through your written profile can be challenging. That’s why we’ve added more ways for you to introduce yourself. Though your written profile remains important, adding a video introduction can be a great way to quickly build a bond with prospective clients. Video can provide a more engaging preview of your unique characteristics and what it’ll be like to work with you.

Need inspiration to get started? Check out these example intro videos from some of your fellow freelancers:

Feature your best work

Your portfolio is another great way to show potential clients what you can do for them. Use it to attract attention and showcase the quality of your work plus the value of your expertise.

Choose pieces that reflect your niche and help display your specialization. If your skills aren’t particularly visual, try to find creative ways to explain the challenge behind each sample and how your work had an impact.

List your certifications

Listing the certifications you’ve earned can add credibility to your profile, particularly if they relate to specific systems or software. You can add them manually or through Credly.

To help you connect with clients who are looking for language skills outside your native language, consider adding certifications that reflect your proficiency in that language.

Add your employment history

Adding relevant details about your employment history can help clients understand your background, both on and off Upwork.

You can start with a brief description of your responsibilities and accomplishments in your previous roles. Pay particular attention to work that relates to the type of projects you’re looking for now.

As your freelance business grows, consider adding new entries for a few of your most impressive projects. This shows clients what you are capable of accomplishing on Upwork, and it gives you the chance to showcase new skills and experiences.

If you don’t have a traditional employment history, consider adding your freelance business as a one line item, with a brief description summarizing your focus. Use bullet points to highlight achievements and illustrate your specific expertise.

Include your education and other experiences

Your knowledge doesn’t stem from only your work experience. Your education and other activities — such as volunteer positions, mentorship programs, online courses, and other extracurricular activities — can help shape what you do and how you present yourself online.

Consider including a detailed description of each relevant education item by listing the institution’s name and program in chronological order, beginning with the most recent one.

You can also add informal education and activities in the “Other Experiences” section. This may include research projects, competitions, or other interests that could help illustrate your skills and abilities.

Pro tips to make your profile stand out

You may find inspiration in viewing other freelancers’ profiles, but remember to make your profile original and unique.

Consider the following additional tips:

  • Make your profile about your clients. How can you help them?
  • Be consistent with your strongest skills and leverage all of your profile sections to back them up
  • Help establish trust and confidence by completing all sections
  • Be concise and straightforward in your language
  • Proofread each section carefully
  • Before you publish your profile, ask friends to give you feedback. Another good idea is to read your profile out loud. It’s a great way to see if your profile flows well, has a nice rhythm, and sounds like you
  • Link other professional accounts in your profile settings to help us match you better to jobs
  • Review and update your profile regularly
  • Update your profile visibility if your profile has been switched to “private” due to inactivity
  • Update your profile to “available” when you are, so that you receive invites. When you’re not, set your profile to “not available” to avoid unwanted messages

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