This beta feature is not yet available for everyone, but we're working on it!

When you see the label “Best match” next to a freelancer’s proposal, it means they’re experienced in the skills that match your job post.

Clients can leverage Best Match indicators and insights, powered by artificial intelligence, to evaluate talent at scale – making it easier and faster to find and hire the best-fit freelancers for your work.


Our Best Match insights take your hiring a step further by highlighting relevant client reviews and identifying areas you may want to explore further, helping you better evaluate talent.

How it works

  1. After you post a job, you may be prompted to opt in to AI features on Upwork to get access to Best Match insights before reviewing proposals from freelancers. If you’ve already opted in, you won’t see this prompt
  2. The Best Match indicator highlights freelancers who have already submitted a proposal to your job and are most likely to fit your needs
  3. You’ll also see Best Match insights that help you determine why a specific freelancer may be a fit, highlights relevant client reviews, and identifies areas you may want to explore further

The freelancer’s profile, work history, skills, public reviews, and the proposal they created for your job post are all considered when we highlight them as a potential best match.

While Best Match insights can help you sort through candidates to pick the right fit, we always encourage clients to thoroughly vet their freelancers. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I have to opt in to use AI on Upwork to use this feature?

AI features require certain data to function. For Best Match insights, our features need permission to read your job post so we can compare freelancer expertise to provide insights on your matches. Learn more about controlling your AI preferences.

What data does this feature use?

When you use Best Match insights, we use your job post, public work history, talent proposals, and talent profiles to make matches.

How can I be sure Best Match indicators and insights are showing me the right freelancer?

This feature shows you which freelancers most closely match the skills and experience you’re looking for. While Best Match insights can help you sort through candidates to pick the right fit, we always encourage clients to thoroughly explore each freelancer’s qualifications, hard and soft skills, and experience before making a choice.

How often do Best Match indicators refresh?

As you receive new proposals, your list of best matches may change. When this happens, you will be prompted at the top of the page to refresh your best matches.

What criteria are Best Matches based on?

The candidate’s profile, work history, skills, public reviews, and the proposal they created for your job post are all considered when we highlight a freelancer as a potential best match.

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