You can download the Upwork for Freelancers App from the iTunes App Store, or the Google Play Store.

The Upwork for Freelancers app helps give you the flexibility to work and stay connected anytime, anywhere. Almost everything you normally do on a desktop or mobile web browser can now be done from your mobile device.

  • Register for an account
  • Search jobs and submit proposals
  • View, accept, or decline invitations and offers
  • Update your profile
  • Receive notifications
  • Reply to and compose messages
  • End contracts and give feedback
  • Edit payment methods
  • Verify your identity when applying to U.S. jobs


If you are working with Upwork Enterprise clients, you will still need to use a browser to complete the onboarding tasks required by the client.

Compatibility requirements

The Upwork for Freelancers iOS app is compatible with all iPhones running iOS 16 or above.

The Upwork for Freelancers Android app requires Android 9 (or above) with Google Play services.

Issues with the Upwork for Freelancers app

Is there a separate app for clients?

Yes, there is a separate Upwork for Clients app. Go here to learn more.

I have client and freelancer accounts. Which app should I use?

If you use Upwork as a freelancer and as a client, you should keep both apps.

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