While setting up Enterprise Single Sign-On, you might receive one of several errors. You can find the error description and troubleshooting tips in the table below.

Error Message

Error Description

Troubleshooting Errors

Identity provider already exists

This error occurs when you specify an identical IdP domain to your IdP login URL or if you upload a metadata file that was already uploaded to Upwork.

Specify unique IdP details.

Metadata is not formatted properly

This error occurs if you upload an IdP metadata file with incorrect XML details.

Validate the XML file before uploading the same to Upwork.

[Field Name] should be less than 50 characters

This error occurs if you specify more than 50 characters in either Hard session timeout, Soft session timeout, First name, Last name, Email address, Country, or Department.

For these fields, provide a value that is less than 50 characters.

Please enter valid email address(es)

This error occurs if you specify an email address in an incorrect format. For example: XX@X.

Specify email address in the correct format. For example, XX@X.com.

Please separate email values with spaces or commas

This error occurs if you specify multiple email addresses in the User exclusion list without using a comma or space separator. For example: jake@email.comjuan@email.com.

Use a comma or space separator to indicate multiple email addresses. For example: jake@email.com juan@email.com.

Please provide the full URL including http:// or https://

This error occurs if you specify a URL with incorrect syntax. For example: https:foo.

Specify a URL with correct syntax. For example: https://foo.

Soft session timeout must happen before hard session timeout

This error occurs if the value for the Hard session timeout is equal or less than that of the Soft session timeout.

Specify a value for the Hard session timeout that is greater than that of the Soft session timeout.

Only numerical values are accepted

This error occurs if you specify non-numerical values for the Hard session timeout and the Soft session timeout.

Specify numerical values for such fields.


If you need help, please contact your Upwork Account team.

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