At Upwork, we’re always looking for ways to help you connect with the right clients and projects. Our Expert-Vetted program helps identify and promote top-level talent.
Only the top 1% of freelancers on Upwork qualify for Expert-Vetted talent status, and only those in select categories are eligible. Those who earn the badge complete a thorough screening process that evaluates technical expertise and soft skills.
Become Expert-Vetted
Only freelancers and agencies who work in these categories can become Expert-Vetted:
- Web, Mobile, and Software Development
- IT and Networking
- Data Science and Analytics
- Design and Creative
- Sales and Marketing
- HR
- Consulting
- Writing
Expert-Vetted is typically available by invitation only. You'll be invited to an interview, where your vetting process will vary by skill category. The 30-minute pre-vetting interview includes:
- Hard skill analysis with professional Talent Managers to ensure the highest level of competence
- Soft skill assessments, including reliability and communication skills
Important: Pre-vetting calls are firmly scheduled for 30 minutes. There is a five-minute grace period from the start time of your scheduled call. If you are not in attendance within five minutes, you will no longer be in consideration for the Expert-Vetted Talent badge. We can only reschedule your time if you give us 24 hours advance notice via the calendar link. You may only reschedule once.
Pro tips for your pre-vetting call
- Make sure you have a strong internet connection and functioning webcam
- Create a well-lit environment with minimal distractions
- Be prepared with examples of your work experience, such as completed projects. Be ready to highlight any intricate challenges you’ve faced, solutions you’ve developed, and the results of your work, such as key metrics.
Benefits of becoming Expert-Vetted
When you earn Expert-Vetted status, you’ll get to enjoy the following benefits:
- Get an Expert-Vetted talent badge that’s visible to Enterprise and Business Plus clients
- Show up in expert-level talent client searches, and be invited first to privately-posted projects
- Have access to a Talent Manager who can provide tips on optimizing your profile for clients you want and projects that earn
- Gain priority access to opportunities with Business Plus and Enterprise clients, including Fortune 500 companies
- Have the ability to offer consultations to share expertise with clients
Frequently Asked Questions
This badge is typically invitation-only, meaning we will reach out to you if you qualify. After being invited, you’ll go through a screening process that tests your abilities and professionalism to make sure you have what it takes to be successful as an Expert-Vetted freelancer or agency. We may occasionally offer opportunities to submit an application proactively, without being invited, to become Expert-Vetted.Learn more here.
We will ask you to complete a pre-vetting interview, and verify your identity, if needed. We also ask that you edit your profile with the most up-to-date information about your experience.
We can only reschedule your time if you give us 24 hours advance notice via the calendar link. You may only reschedule once.
Unfortunately, if you miss your pre-vetting call you will no longer be considered for the program at this time. You would be eligible for reconsideration in six months.
The badge is visible exclusively to Business Plus and Enterprise clients.
All clients will still be able to see your profile as usual. But only Business Plus and Enterprise clients will see your Expert-Vetted badge.
Any badge you have earned separately from Expert-Vetted will still be associated with your account, as long as you maintain the criteria for that badge. Multiple badges are not shown on a profile at one time. If you have a Top Rated, Top Rated Plus, or Rising Talent badge and an Expert-Vetted badge:
- Marketplace clients will continue to see your Top Rated, Top Rated Plus, or Rising Talent badge
- Enterprise and Business Plus clients will see your Expert-Vetted badge
Yes. The Expert-Vetted program is not meant to be a replacement for outbound activity on Upwork. We encourage everyone to be proactive on the platform.
The proposal process for any project is the same with or without the Expert-Vetted badge.
The Expert-Vetted badge process varies for each agency, and may depend on your category.