Quickly finding the right freelancer for the job is really important. However, the more you hire, browse, and collaborate across teams, the more complex your talent network becomes. That’s why we've made some changes to our notes feature.
Previously, you could make private notes on freelancers only if you’d saved their profile. Now, as part of Virtual Talent Bench, you can add notes to any freelancer or agency, regardless of whether you’ve saved their profile to one of your lists.
Adding and editing notes
To make adding notes on freelancers and agencies as easy as possible, you can do it in multiple places:
- Most pages in the Talent menu
- Search
- Proposal manager
- Directly from freelancer and agency profiles
There are two ways to add or edit notes:
- Click the (...) button in the top right corner of a freelancer or agency card or profile and select “Add a note” or “Edit note.” Enter your note and then click “Save Notes.”
- After saving a freelancer or agency to a list using the heart button, look for a success message at the top of the screen — it includes a link to either “Add a note” or “Edit note.”
When adding notes on freelancer or agencies, you can also add soft skills and custom tags.
All notes are private and can not be seen by freelancers.
Notes are a convenient and customizable way to help you remember important information or context about a freelancer, such as a part of their portfolio that makes them a great fit for your next project. If you’re adding similar context across multiple freelancers or agencies, consider using our tags feature.
You can add or edit a note on a freelancer or agency from almost anywhere their profile or talent card appears, such as the Talent and Search pages, or your Lists page.
There are two ways to add or edit notes:
- Click the (...) button in the top right corner of a freelancer or agency card or profile and select “Add a note” or “Edit note.” Enter your note and then click “Save Notes.”
- After saving a freelancer or agency to a list using the heart button, look for a success message at the top of the screen — it includes a link to either “Add a note” or “Edit note.”