To help those in Ukraine, you can now purchase a project from freelancers there as a donation, without asking for any work in return.

To make sure freelancers receive the entire amount of your donation, we are waiving the normal freelancer service fees too.

How it works

  1. Find freelancers in Ukraine* here.
  2. If a project is offered by a Ukraine-based freelancer, you’ll see a box that you can check to indicate you’re making the purchase as a donation.
  3. If you check the box, you’ll see a Donate button replace the Continue button.
  4. The freelancer can then accept your donation by replying.
  5. Then you’ll approve the payment with the Approve and pay button to release the funds.


*Some of the profiles that surface may show locations outside of Ukraine, as we are including freelancers originally based in Ukraine who have relocated due to the current crisis.


Frequently Asked Questions

If I buy a project in Project Catalog as a donation to a Ukraine-based freelancer, are they charged the normal freelancer service fee?

No, we are waiving freelancer service fees. When you purchase the project and designate it as a “donation,” this will signal to the freelancer that you don’t expect them to complete any work. If you purchase a project from a Ukraine-based freelancer and don’t mark it as a donation (meaning you’d like them to complete the project for you), we will still waive all freelancer service fees so they receive the full amount of the project’s cost.

I want to buy a Project Catalog project as a donation but I only have a freelancer account on Upwork. How can I do this?

You can easily set up a client profile within your existing Upwork account. Learn how here. You’ll then be able to easily access both your freelancer and client profile in one spot. Note: It’s critical to create your client profile from within your existing freelancer account; multiple accounts are not permitted on Upwork.

Do I pay any fees on my donation?

You will be charged our standard payment processing fee, based on your billing method.

I tried to buy a project in Project Catalog but received an error message (for example, “This account cannot purchase projects”). What should I do?

It’s likely you are trying to buy the project from your freelancer or agency profile, or an Enterprise account.

If you are a freelancer or have an agency, you'll need to add a client profile to your Upwork account to purchase a project. It’s quick and simple, and once you do you’ll be able to easily access both your freelancer and client profiles from within your Upwork account. Learn how to add a client account here.


It’s critical to create your client profile from within your existing freelancer account; multiple accounts are not permitted on Upwork.

If you are an Enterprise customer, please note that Project Catalog is not currently connected to our Enterprise offerings. However, if you have an active contract with a freelancer from Ukraine you can give them a bonus payment as a donation (please designate it as a "donation" in the note). If you don't have an active contract with a freelancer there, you may wish to support an organization like Direct Relief International, which is helping those impacted.

Is my donation to a freelancer in Ukraine tax-deductible?

All donations are voluntary and may not be tax-deductible. We suggest that you discuss the tax implications of any donation with your tax advisor.

I’d like to support freelancers who haven’t yet received donations. How do I do that?

We are making sure to rotate, on a random basis for each customer, the order in which projects appear in Project Catalog. By doing this, we hope to better ensure more freelancers receive donations.

I’m an Enterprise client,  how can I donate to freelancers based in Ukraine? Can I buy a Project Catalog project?

Project Catalog is not currently connected to our Enterprise offerings, however if you have an active contract with a freelancer from Ukraine you can give them a bonus payment as a donation. If you don't have an active contract with a freelancer there, you may wish to support an organization like Direct Relief International, which is helping those impacted. 

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