To help support our freelance community in Ukraine, we’re offering expedited payments on hourly contracts for all talent who have a tax/profile address there and an account in good standing.

As long as your client’s billing method can be charged successfully and they don’t dispute your hours, we’ll apply their payment to your Upwork account five days earlier if you reside in Ukraine. This means we’ll apply the payment on Fridays by 11:59 p.m. UTC.

You can then withdraw your money anytime you prefer.

To do so:

  1. Go to Reports > Overview
  2. Choose the Get Paid Now button. You can do this even if you have an automatic payment schedule set up and want your earnings sooner. You won’t have to change your regular payment schedule.


Remember, we apply the payments on Friday by 11:59 p.m. UTC, so consider the difference in time zone when looking for your available payments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible?

The initiative currently applies to all talent who have a tax/profile address in Ukraine and have an account in good standing.

How does it work?

As long as your client’s billing method can be charged successfully and they don’t dispute your hours, we will apply their payment to your Upwork account five days earlier if you reside in Ukraine. You can then withdraw the money anytime you prefer by clicking here and choosing “Get Paid Now.”


If you have an automatic payment schedule set up and want your earnings sooner, you also can use “Get Paid Now.

It’s Friday here and I don’t see my payment in my Upwork account. Why?

Cleared payments are released on Fridays by 11:59 p.m. UTC. If you live in another time zone, please calculate the time difference to determine when your payment will be available. We will also email you after your payment is applied and ready to be withdrawn.

Why does my account show a payout date of next Wednesday instead of five days earlier, on Friday?

Your official payment date will continue to show as Wednesday. This is because we won’t know which payments will be released early until we review accounts every Friday morning (if your client disputes your hours or their payment fails, we can’t release your payment until the issue is resolved). As long as there’s no issues, your payment will be posted to your Upwork account on the Friday before the Wednesday date that is listed. For example, if your payment date is listed as Wednesday, March 23, you will receive it on Friday, March 18.

Will all payouts be accelerated and are there any instances when they wouldn’t be?

If your client disputes your hours or their billing method cannot be successfully charged, your payment will be delayed.

Why doesn’t this apply to fixed-price contracts?

We wanted to quickly roll this out to as many freelancers as possible and the majority of contracts on Upwork are hourly.

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