The Weekly Summary is a week-by-week breakdown of your spending. It includes all payments on hourly contracts, escrow deposits for fixed-price contracts and projects, and other manual payments. It is broken down into three sections: Weekly Summary, Timesheet, and Fixed-Price and Other Payments.



All times are based on UTC so that payments and reports are consistent.

The Weekly Summary
You can hover over the pie chart to check the spend on individual contracts or activities.


The Weekly Summary overview panel displays spend by contract type. Time logged using the Upwork Desktop App is listed under Timesheet, while time added manually by your freelancers can be seen under Manual time. Escrow deposits, weekly salary, bonuses, and other manual payments will be listed under Fixed-price and other.


The timesheet panel

The Timesheet panel displays the day-by-day breakdown for the time your freelancer logged the previous week. A yellow triangle next to the timestamp indicates that your freelancer added manual time on that day. You can select the timestamp to review your freelancer's work diary.


The Fixed-Price panel

The Fixed-price and other panel displays escrow deposits on fixed-price contracts as well as other manual payments, such as a one-time contract bonus or recurring weekly salary.


Weekly Billing Email Reports

Company account owners on all membership plans will receive a copy of the Weekly Summary via email. Full email reports are only available for the company owner. Please see the screenshots below for example email reports.

Weekly Billing Email reports

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Weekly Summary different than my Weekly Billing Email?

In addition to everything included in the Weekly Summary, the Weekly Billing Email also includes Featured Job purchases. Neither report includes marketplace or payment processing and administration fees.

Who has view access to the Weekly Summary?

Team members with "Hiring - Full" or "View Work Diaries" permissions can access the Weekly Summary. Users with Work Diary access can only view the time logged and do not have visibility into spending.

Who receives the Weekly Billing Email?

We send a version of the Weekly Billing Email to the Company Owner, Admin, and Hiring Managers. We send the full report to the Company Owner only, while an overview is sent to any team member with Admin permissions. For users with "Hiring - Full" access we will send the breakdown for their assigned teams only.

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