You may need to record a meeting to share with your team or follow up on tasks later. You can easily start recording meetings right in Upwork Messages with Zoom.

Start a recorded Zoom meeting in Messages

You can create a recorded Zoom meeting by selecting the Recorded Zoom Meeting option on the Messages screen. Please note: you can’t disable the recording feature during an ongoing meeting, but you can create a regular (non-recorded) Zoom meeting on the Messages screen.

Members of the conversation can then join the recorded meeting you created.

After the meeting, we will let you know when the Zoom recording is available.

Download the recorded Zoom Meeting

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don’t want to be recorded?

If you do not consent to a recorded Zoom meeting, do not select the link to join the call. You may instead request that participants join a regular (non-recorded) Zoom meeting on the Messages screen.

Where and how are the Zoom recordings stored?

The recordings are stored in Zoom cloud storage that has been purchased by Upwork. Per Zoom’s standard retention settings, anyone with the recording link and password can access the recording for seven days, after which it will be deleted from storage. To learn more about your privacy and how Zoom protects your information, please visit their Privacy Statement here.

Who has access to the recordings?

The recording link and password will be shared in the messaging room where the meeting was created, which will be viewable by everyone in the messaging room at the time of the call and anyone thereafter. For the seven days it is available, anyone with the link and password will be able to view the recording.

Can I share my own meeting link without using the tools within Upwork?

You can use your own meeting tools after a contract has started. Sharing a meeting link (or any other form of contact outside Upwork) before a contract starts is circumvention, which is against our Terms of Service.

After a contract starts, use the contract workroom to message and share details.

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