At Upwork, we make it easy to get work done quickly. You can repost any of your jobs, whether open, filled, or closed, at any time. The Post a Job form has a handy shortcut if you want to reuse similar qualifications or information from any previous job post.

To repost your job

  1. Go to JobsPost a Job
  2. Choose to "Reuse previous job" and choose the job to repost
  3. The form will pre-populate all the fields with the previous job's information
  4. Update as needed, then select Post Job

If you cannot find the job posting

  1. Go to JobsAll Job Postings
  2. Filter the list as needed to find the correct past job posting
  3. Choose to "Reuse Posting"
  4. The form will pre-populate all the fields with the previous job's information
  5. Update as needed, then select Post Job

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