Knowing when your payment will process is extremely important. If you’re using a bank account to process your funds, holiday bank closures may delay your usual payment processing schedule.
Online Vendors
Holiday schedules should not affect payments from Upwork to vendors such as PayPal, Payoneer, and M-Pesa, unless otherwise noted.
U.S. Bank Holidays in 2023/2024
Notable 2024 dates that may affect your payments include:
- New Year’s Day: Monday, January 1
- Martin Luther King Day: Monday, January 15
- President’s Day: Monday, February 19
- Memorial Day: Monday, May 27
- Juneteenth National Independence Day: Wednesday, June 19
- Independence Day: Thursday, July 4
- Labor Day: Monday, September 2
- Columbus Day: Monday, October 14
- Veterans Day: Monday, November 11
- Thanksgiving Day: Thursday, November 28
- Christmas Day: Wednesday, December 25
For more information about bank holidays in the U.S., try checking the Federal Reserve calendar.
International Bank Holidays
Since Upwork users live in over 180 countries, we ask that you be aware of the bank holidays in your own country. One way to find out if your payments will be affected is to contact your own bank for a list of local holidays that could cause payment delays. You can also try checking online resources such as