We ask you to verify your phone number before posting a job or submitting a proposal. This helps us protect the safety of our marketplace, reducing scams, spam, and fraud.

You can only have one account on Upwork (you can use that same account as a freelancer, client, and agency). If you sign up for a new account and use a phone number associated with an existing account, you’ll get an error message.

If your phone number is associated with an existing account, you can:

  • Recover your old account using the email associated with it. Enter your email address in the username form during log in and follow the Forgot password steps
  • If you no longer have access to your email associated with an account, or need further help, contact Upwork Support

VoIP phone numbers are not accepted.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I have to verify my phone number?

Verifying your phone number helps us make sure there is only one account associated with each Upwork user. This helps us protect the safety of our marketplace, reducing scams, spam, and fraud.

What should I do if my phone number is already associated with an account?

This means you probably already have an Upwork account, as we only allow one account per person. Try accessing the old account, and close your new one to prevent any other duplication errors. If you need help, contact support.

Can I use a VoIP number?

No, we can not verify these types of phone numbers. Please use a different phone number.

I never signed up for Upwork before this, but it says my phone number is associated with an account. How do I fix this?

In some cases, users have forgotten they’ve signed up previously. Even if you signed up a long time ago, we encourage you to get access to the existing account, because creating a new account will lead to other verification issues. If you’ve already tried accessing your old account and can’t, our support team can help.

The verification code has not been sent to my phone. How can I fix this?

Your verification code should be sent instantly. If it is not delivered within a few minutes, try again after making sure the phone number is correct and you have working service coverage.

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