At times a freelancer or agency might want to change the feedback they left for you. Before they can edit their feedback, they must contact you and ask your permission to do so. You will have 14 days to consider the request, and we only allow you to enable such changes one time, per contract.

Please be very careful about enabling feedback changes because it gives a freelancer or agency the ability to raise or lower your score, as well as change their comments. Once you allow your freelancer, they will have 14 days to make any changes, either positive, negative, or neutral. The window for making changes stays open the full 14 days, and your freelancer can make multiple changes during this period.

To allow feedback changes

  1. Go to Jobs > All Contracts
  2. Select the freelancer’s contract title to open the contract workroom
  3. Under the Details tab of the workroom, select the “Enable freelancer to change feedback” link.

Due to the double-blind feedback system, the option to enable changes will not be available to you until after freelancers or agencies have left their first feedback for you, or until the original 14-day feedback period closes, whichever comes first.

Please note that freelancers and agencies can only change public feedback. Private feedback remains on file, and cannot be edited.

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