In some cases, we may place a temporary restriction on your account shortly before the account’s associated credit card expires. We do this to ensure an active, valid billing method is on file to satisfy Upwork Hourly Protection terms. We’ll notify you by email if this happens.

You can lift the restriction by updating your card details, adding a new billing method, or by setting a different billing method as your primary billing method.

To update your card details
  1. Go to Settings > Billing & Payments

  2. Select Edit

  3. Enter the updated details, then choose Save Changes


Credit card numbers cannot be updated. If your card number has changed, please add it as a new billing method.

To add a new billing method
  1. Go to Settings > Billing & Payments

  2. Select Add a New Billing Method

  3. Enter your billing method details and follow the instructions on-screen to complete the setup

The instructions for adding a new billing method will differ slightly depending on which method you are adding. Open the links for further information on setting up a credit card, a PayPal account, or a bank account (qualifying U.S. clients only) as your new billing method.

To set a different primary billing method
  1. Go to Settings > Billing & Payments

  2. Select Set as Primary for the method you want to update

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