Feedback is important to any business or professional. When you provide feedback to others, you can help them identify their strengths and weaknesses and show appreciation for things that went well. You’re also sharing your experience with other Upwork users, which can help them make more informed choices.

That’s why we offer a system for giving and receiving feedback. When a contract ends, clients usually leave you feedback as part of that process. As a freelancer, you also can leave public feedback about your experience with the client.

To leave feedback for a client:

  1. Go to Contract history and find the contract you wish to leave feedback on
  2. Go to the Contract details tab and select Give feedback

You have 14 days from the end of a contract to leave feedback. This is based on UTC time, so the deadline on the 14th day will be at midnight UTC. Note: This means you may not have until midnight in your timezone, so please compare your timezone to UTC.

We created the feedback system to be double-blind, which means that feedback won’t be visible until both parties provide it for each other. This helps ensure genuine, independent feedback from both parties. If only one party leaves feedback, we will post it after the 14-day period has expired.

If the 14-day feedback period expires before you are able to add comments, you can contact the client and ask them to allow you to add feedback later. We will notify you once the option to leave feedback is available.

Typically, you would wait for the client to close the contract. However, if you are the one ending the contract, we will provide you with the opportunity to leave feedback as part of that process.

Guidelines for giving feedback

Any feedback you give should be genuine and follow Upwork’s Terms of Service. You cannot accept anything of value from a client in exchange for leaving the client good feedback. You also cannot work with others to manipulate the feedback system with feedback building to improve each other’s work histories, reputations, or Job Success Scores.

Feedback should be professional and related to the contract where you’re leaving feedback. It cannot contain abusive or offensive language, racist or discriminatory language, explicit content or links to explicit content, or your client’s private contact information or other confidential information.

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