Better communication leads to better work. You can make a video or voice call on Upwork anytime by using Zoom. You'll start the call right from Upwork Messages, and you don't need a Zoom account.

To make a video or voice call

  1. Choose the camera button and select Zoom Meeting. In your Upwork Messages, you’ll find the camera icon in the top right corner of your conversation
  2. Select the meeting type: video call, recorded video call, or phone conference call


Recordings cannot be disabled during an ongoing meeting and are available for seven days following the meeting, after which it will be deleted from storage. Learn more about recording Zoom meetings in Upwork Messages here.

  1. First-time users will receive a prompt to review and accept Zoom's Terms of Service
  2. A link to join the meeting will be posted into the messaging room for all participants
  3. Select Join Zoom meeting to enter the meeting room

    A Zoom account is not required to join a meeting. Meetings can be joined from both web browsers and the Zoom app. Your experience may vary based on device and personal settings

  1. Connect and collaborate!


Zoom’s integration with Upwork is specific to video communication services. It will not feature chat, however, you can always use the chat feature in the Upwork Messages to enhance your video experience!

Please note that individual data rates from your phone or internet provider may apply to voice and video call services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I share my own meeting link without using the tools within Upwork?

You can use your own meeting tools after a contract has started. Sharing a meeting link (or any other form of contact outside Upwork) before a contract starts is circumvention, which is against our Terms of Service.

After a contract starts, use the contract workroom to message and share details.

Question: Can I link with Upwork Messages?
Answer: Sadly, no. Currently, the only integrations available are Zoom and embedded Loom function. Stay tuned for more integrations!

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