What are Enterprise clients and how is their communication on Upwork different?

We designed our marketplace so that clients and freelancers can find and work with each other as quickly and easily as possible, on your own terms and without intervention from us.

If you're a client hiring regularly, though, you might want a helping hand to optimize your use of the platform. Which is where Enterprise subscriptions come in. If you’re a freelancer, you might notice differences in the way that Enterprise clients can communicate with you.

Who are Upwork Enterprise clients?

Enterprise clients range from small boutiques to big multinational companies (including over a third of the Fortune 500). They all pay a subscription to get extra services and benefits.

Here's where you can read more about Enterprise membership plans.

Upwork Enterprise Clients icon

You can identify an Enterprise client with this logo on the job post or search tile.

Do Enterprise clients get a different Upwork experience?

Enterprise clients have a number of added benefits and features available to them, and they generally follow the same rules as everyone else. But there are a couple of notable differences in their ability to communicate with freelancers:

  • They can share and ask for contact information outside of Upwork before a contract starts
  • They can conduct interviews outside of Upwork before a contract starts


While Enterprise clients can exchange contact information with freelancers prior to initiating a contract, this must be done in a private channel, such as Upwork Messages, not publicly. Enterprise clients can’t post their outside contact information on their job posts or account profiles, for example.

Why can Enterprise clients contact other users outside of Upwork before a contract starts?

Our Terms of Service prohibit sharing your contact information or asking others to share theirs before a contract starts (also known as contact information sharing) in order to reduce the risk of scams and fraud, and circumvention.

It's different with Enterprise clients. We provide ongoing support to Enterprise clients, so the risk is much lower. Plus, this way they can hire faster and more efficiently, which means freelancers see the benefit.

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