Articles in this section

API key ownership and sharing

We always assign the API key to the Upwork account of the person who submits the request. If you are a company or an agency and you don’t feel comfortable giving your real API c...

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Commercial API use

We make the Upwork API available for commercial use, but only to select commercial partners with prior written permission. To discuss potential partnerships and commercial use o...

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Migration to GraphQL API

  Your API key If you have an existing OAuth1 key, you will need to request a new OAuth2 API key. We no longer support OAuth1. If you have an existing OAuth2 API key, you don’t...

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Rejected API key request

If your API key request is rejected, we will notify you by email. The most common reasons for rejection are incomplete account data or missing/incorrect information provided in ...

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Request an API key

Clients, and freelancers on any membership plan can request access to Upwork's API in order to integrate Upwork's features with a website and/or internal systems. To request an ...

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