Articles in this section

Manage how you get paid

This article explains the different ways to get paid, with timelines varying based on contract type (hourly, fixed-price, Project Catalog, or bonus). Payments can be withdrawn v...

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Confirmation of Services

With freelancers in over 180 countries around the world, we understand that each country has its own financial and legal requirements for independent freelancers and financial t...

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Faster Payouts on Upwork

Top Rated freelancers and agencies on Upwork can get paid sooner on hourly contracts. With faster payouts, the typical 10-day wait for payment is cut in half for hourly contract...

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Get paid for fixed-price contracts

On Upwork, you can get paid for doing what you’re passionate about. With fixed-price contracts, you’ll get paid after you submit your work. Here is how it works and when to expe...

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Get paid for hourly contracts

Upwork simplifies payments for hourly contracts by automatically invoicing clients for time you log via the Time Tracker app or add manually. Payments follow a set billing cycle...

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Propose scheduled rate increases

The way you build your business on Upwork is up to you, so we can’t give you advice about what rates to set. Check out some of the best practices around setting your rate below....

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Why Can't I Get Paid Directly?

When you use Upwork as your home for work, security is essential. That means keeping you safe with dedicated trust and safety checks to help protect every user from fraud, theft...

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Working Through Upwork Payroll

Flexibility in how you work is important for both you and your clients. Upwork Payroll helps give you more flexibility by making it simple for you to work as an employee for a c...

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