Articles in this section

Agency Contracts

Agency contracts work much the same as freelancer contracts. An agency’s business managers can both edit the terms of contracts and end them. Both the contracted agency member (...

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Agency Finances

All agency contracts are paid to the agency's account. Your agency’s balance will be sent to you on a schedule you set, or you can access your funds at any time by going to Sett...

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Agency proposals and offers

To help keep agency workflows centralized and running smoothly, business managers can submit a proposal on behalf of any agency member. They can also edit or withdraw all agency...

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Agency settings and permissions

To help you organize and manage the freelancers in your agency, we offer a range of different roles and permissions that you can assign. Agency owners and admins can edit agency...

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Close an agency

We understand that as a freelancer, your work needs are always shifting. If you started an agency that you now would like to close, you may.  If you close your agency, your agen...

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Manage Agency Roster and Visibility

To help keep agencies running smoothly, agency owners, business managers, and admins can all edit your agency members' general and specialized profile rates and visibility. Thes...

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