Articles in this section
Request a refund from the freelancer or agency
This article explains how refunds work for payments that have already been released to freelancers. Clients can request refunds directly from freelancers or agencies on Upwork f...
Continue readingDispute an agency or freelancer’s hours
Fixed-price contract? Learn more about escrow refunds for fixed-price contracts. We know you take time to interview and carefully consider the freelancers and agencies you con...
Continue readingGet an escrow refund
If you’re ending a fixed-price contract with remaining funds in escrow, you can request an escrow refund from the freelancer and choose to either pay nothing or to release a par...
Continue readingResolving issues with a contract
Despite your best efforts, a project may not always go as expected. When an issue comes up, it’s important to address it quickly and understand your options. We are here to help...
Continue readingRespond to an escrow dispute
While the vast majority of work done on Upwork goes smoothly for both parties, disputes can occasionally arise. Upwork Payment Protection is structured to help protect freelance...
Continue readingUnresponsive freelancers
If you are working with a freelancer or agency and they become unresponsive for a long period of time, it may be best to pause the contract (if hourly) to avoid being billed and...
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