Upwork Talent Specialists help clients find the right freelancers and agencies and make the most of the tools Upwork has to offer.

If you qualify for this service, a Talent Specialist will contact you by email and in Upwork Messages.

An Upwork Talent Specialist can

  • Review your job post to help attract the most qualified freelancers and agencies
  • Invite relevant freelancers and agencies who match your requirements
  • Highlight experienced freelancers and agencies for your consideration
  • Answer your questions and offer tips about hiring on Upwork


Though the Talent Specialist can provide the above services, it is still your sole responsibility to interview and select the freelancer or agency for your project. Also, you may opt out of these services at any time by letting your Talent Specialist know you’d like to opt out or by contacting customer support.

* We only offer Talent Specialist services to select clients for a predetermined period of time or a limited number of job postings. Please speak with your Talent Specialist if you have questions about how long you’ll have access to them or how they can help you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there an additional charge for this service?

No, when we contact you directly by email to offer this service as a stand-alone service, there is no extra charge. We may offer it for free for a limited time or for a limited number of posts at our discretion.

What services do Talent Specialists provide?

An Upwork Talent Specialist can

  • Review your job post to help attract the most qualified freelancers and agencies
  • Invite relevant freelancers and agencies who match your requirements
  • Highlight experienced freelancers and agencies for your consideration
  • Answer your questions and offer tips about hiring on Upwork
Do Talent Specialists interview freelancers for me?

No, they can invite freelancers and agencies to present proposals or suggest talent for your consideration, but you are solely responsible for interviewing and choosing the freelancer or agency for your project.

What if I prefer to find my own talent?

You may opt out of these services at any time by letting your Talent Specialist know you’d like to opt out or by contacting customer support.

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