We do everything we can to make getting your funds simple and straightforward, but sometimes there are rules we have to follow. Depending upon your home country or bank, Direct to Local Bank payments may be subject to different timing, fees, or restrictions.


In general, Direct to Local Bank payments take up to seven business days to arrive at your bank.

There is a 12:00 pm (noon) UTC cutoff time for same-day processing. After that, transfers will be processed the following business day. Bank holidays in the U.S. or your country can delay your funds.


The cost per withdrawal direct to your local bank is $0.99 USD (plus incoming fees at some banks). Sending funds in your local currency may reduce or eliminate incoming bank fees.

The currency conversion will be performed by Upwork's banking partner at the time the funds are sent to you. While it's not possible to show the real-time conversion rate, you can check the last exchange rate used by Upwork's banking partner on the manual withdrawal form.

If you haven't already, add a Direct to Local Bank account in SettingsGet Paid. Once your Direct to Local Bank payment method is activated (it takes three days), you can click Get Paid Now at any time and select your local bank account to see the most recently used conversion rate for your currency.

In order to avoid delayed payments and to reduce added fees, our bank partner works directly with most major banks in each country. For information on adding Direct to Local Bank as a payment method, click here.


You must be listed as an account holder or authorized signer on your bank account. If the name on your bank account doesn't match your verified name on Upwork, fix it here.

If your bank asks for a Certificate of Earnings, download one from your Reports tab.

For country-specific maximum per transaction limits and restrictions, check the following list.


The minimum limit for most Direct to Local Bank withdrawals is $5 USD. Check with your bank for more details.



Limit: $3,000 USD

Argentinian authorities may apply some income tax retention to incoming remittances as follows:

  • AFIP Income Tax Retentions (Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos): Taxes are withheld based on your AFIP tax category.
  • ARBA (Agencia de Recaudación de la Provincia de Buenos Aires): Recently, Argentinian authorities have introduced ARBA tax withholdings. The ARBA tax is gross income withholdings of electronic commerce specifically in Buenos Aires, the rates vary between 0.20% and 3.5%. You may see some taxes being withheld.

Minimum: $5 USD and Limit: $10,000 USD


Limit: $20,000 USD


Limit: $8,000 USD


Limit: $5,000 USD


Limit: $10,000 USD


Limit: $20,000 USD


Limit: $500 USD


Limit: $10,000 USD


Limit: $8,500 USD


If you are in Jamaica, you may need to file a deposit authorization form.


Limit: $5,000 - $20,000 USD


Limit: $50,000 USD


Minimum: 100 MAD


Limit: $4,500 USD


Limit: $3,000 USD


Limit: $8,999 USD


Limit: $2,000 USD

Sri Lanka

Limit: $13,000 USD


Limit: $10,000 USD


Limit: $20,000 USD


Limit: $11,000 USD

How do I edit my payment method?
  1. Go to SettingsGet Paid
  2. Under Payment Methods, find the one you want to edit
  3. Click Edit from the (...) options menu
  4. Edit your information and click Save Changes

Email addresses, bank account numbers, and bank codes can't be edited. You must add a new payment method if these change. Don't forget to remove the old payment method at that time, too.

What if I don't know my bank code?
Find more information on the common bank codes for each country here. If you need help, reach out to your local bank or contact Upwork Support.


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