Feedback is important to any business. It can help you identify strengths and weaker areas, build your brand, let others know what to expect when working with you, and draw those who are a good match. That’s why our feedback system lets both you and your freelancer give a review of your experiences.

Find feedback

  1. Go to Talent > Your hires
  2. Find the freelancer or agency who left feedback for you and choose the contract title
  3. Find feedback under the Details tab

Our feedback system is double-blind. The freelancer or agency can’t see the feedback you leave until after they leave feedback for you, or until the 14-day feedback period expires, and you won’t see their feedback until you leave yours, or after the 14-day feedback period.

At that point, the feedback that you and the freelancer have left for each other will become visible in your contracts and in their work history if you’ve made a payment—we only display feedback on paid contracts. Note that it may take up to 24 hours for new feedback to show on your public work history.


Handling feedback professionally and learning from it can help with your success. Feedback can also help you understand which freelancers work best with your work style and expectations.

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