We know that good communication is an important part of building strong working relationships. Upwork Messages gives you a place to discuss projects, interview, share documents, and complete contracts — in other words, to build strong, professional relationships.
You cannot use Upwork Messages to share contact or payment information. Payment details must always remain on Upwork's platform. Once you have an active contract, you can exchange contact information in the contract workroom for necessary business purposes. Learn more about the contract workroom for clients or for freelancers.
Many of the features in Upwork Messages are also available in Upwork’s mobile apps, but the experience may be a little different. For more information, scroll down to the Messaging in mobile apps dropdown.
When clients send freelancers a direct message or respond to your proposal on Upwork, we automatically create a conversation room in Upwork Messages. This space allows you to chat about a project and also keeps track of your messages over time.
You can create new conversations, and you can archive conversations when you're finished. To create a new conversation, choose the three dots (...) menu and select Start a new conversation.
You can also add team members to some conversations, including interview rooms, conversations created for a contract, or conversations that you manually created. You cannot add members to a direct message from a client to a freelancer.
Members of a conversation may have different abilities:
The Owner is the user who created a conversation. For example, the client who created a job is the owner of an interview or contract conversation.
The Admin can invite other members into a conversation
Members have been invited to join a conversation
Conversations have a full set of tools to support interviews and contract communications:
- Attach and preview files, links, images, PDFs, Google Docs, and more
- Take notes
- Share screenshots
- Share screen recordings through our Loom integration
- Connect with video and voice calls through our Zoom integration
- Record Zoom meetings to focus on important conversations without having to take notes
Filtering and search options make it easy to find the messages you’re looking for. Use the search bar or filter options to search through conversations. From your desktop or mobile web, you can also tag a conversation as a favorite in the left sidebar by hovering over, selecting the (...) options menu, and choosing Add to favorites.
If you’ve hidden a conversation and want to see it again, type the person's name or a phrase you remember from the conversation into the search bar above your messages.
If you send or receive a message, it will create an email notification. These will be sent to the email account you used to register with Upwork. You can reply to any message from these email notifications, too. When you reply directly from your email, your reply will be posted in the conversation where it originated. Important: The default setting for email notifications is 15 minutes. If you’d like to receive your messages immediately, you can update your settings.
If you start to receive too many email notifications, or if you don't wish to receive any from your messages at all, you can change your settings. Select the three-dot menu in the left sidebar, then choose Message settings and update your preferences.
To update other kinds of notifications from Upwork, go to your Notification settings.
You have options within the (...) options menu on each message you send and receive.
To reply to a message on desktop or mobile web:
- Hover over the message you want to reply to
- Choose the arrow icon
To edit a message:
You can edit any message you send within one hour of sending it on your desktop or on web mobile. This feature is not available on the mobile app. After one hour, you won’t be able to edit the message. All members of a conversation will be able to see that the message has been edited.
- Hover over a message you want to edit
- Choose the pencil icon to change the message, then send it again
To delete a message:
You can delete a message within an hour of sending it on your desktop or on web mobile, and you’ll see a note in italics that the message was removed. You cannot delete a message from the mobile app.
- Hover over a message and choose the (...) options menu
- Choose Delete message
If you don’t see the option to delete, it means the hour time window has passed.
To favorite a message:
- Hover over a message you want to add to your favorites
- Choose the star icon
- You can access this message later by filtering for favorite messages
To mark a message as unread on desktop or mobile web:
- Hover over the message and choose the (...) options menu
- Choose Mark as unread
You can attach, search, preview, and download files to share your work through Messages. You can also delete messages and files if you do so within one hour of sending on desktop or mobile web.
To attach files:
- You can attach files of 1 GB or under, or link to your Dropbox account from within your Upwork Messages
- Select the paperclip icon in the message box to add a file
To search files:
- To search through the files in a room, open the right panel (ⓘ button) and choose the Files and links button
- Use the search bar at the top of the panel to search by file name
To view files:
- To view all of the files in a room, open the right panel (ⓘ button) and choose the Files and links button
- From there, you can see all files, preview image files, and download or delete them
To download or delete files:
If you want to delete a message or file, you must do so within an hour of it being sent. After that, you will not be able to delete the message or file.
- To download or delete a file, locate the message in the conversation where it was attached
- Hover over the relevant file or message and select the (...) options menu
- Choose Download or Delete
If you don’t see the delete button, it means the hour time limit to delete your file has passed. You can’t delete files through the files and links dropdown.
You can also take and attach a screenshot from within the Upwork Desktop App.
Upwork Messages have a built-in screen recording service through Loom. Recording your screen is a great way to show others how to perform a certain task, share your work, etc., and the video can be watched anytime. Learn more about screen recordings here.
Two things to know about Loom in Upwork Messages:
- It's not available in the Upwork Desktop App
- It's only accessible when using Chrome or Edge as your browser
Upwork Messages provides a personal notepad for each room that allows you to take notes, brainstorm, and make lists. You can write or access these notes in the conversation info sidebar by selecting the dropdown option Personal notepad.
Upwork Messages have built-in video and voice call service via Zoom, with screen sharing capability. Learn more about video and voice calls here.
Some app features are being gradually rolled out and may not be available to everyone or on all devices yet.
To create a new message on the mobile app:
Select the + sign from the message room’s list view
To reply to a message on the mobile app:
You can reply to a message by swiping it, or you can:
- Long press on the message you want to reply to
- Choose the arrow icon
To mark a message as unread on the mobile app:
- Long press or swipe the message and select the (...) options menu
- Choose Mark as unread
To report a message that violates Upwork’s Terms of Service:
- Long press the message and select the (...) options menu
- Choose Report Message
Some messaging features are not available on any mobile apps. For the following features, you’ll need to be on your desktop or mobile web:
- Archiving, editing, and deleting message
- Marking a message as a favorite (though filter options for favorites are available on the apps)
- Using Loom in messages
You need to report a message if it is suspicious or violates Upwork’s Terms of Service. If you don’t have an active contract with the person who sent the message, you may also choose to block the person who sent it.
If you need to report a message that is suspicious or violates Upwork’s Terms of Service, hover over the message (or long press on it in the Upwork app) and an options menu (...) will appear. Select the options menu and then choose Report Message.
You’ll see a list of options to choose from to describe the problem, including the option “Something else” if nothing on the list fits your situation. Choose one of the options and select the Submit button. Learn more about reporting violations and suspicious behavior here.
You can edit any message you send within one hour of sending it on your desktop or mobile web (this feature is not available on the apps). After one hour, you won’t be able to edit the message. All members of a conversation will be able to see that the message has been edited.
- Hover over a message you want to edit
- Choose the pencil icon to change the message, then send it again
If you’re not able to select the pencil icon, you aren’t able to edit the message.
You need to report a message if it is suspicious or violates Upwork’s Terms of Service. Examples include if someone:
- Asks you to spend money to submit a proposal, like purchasing gift cards, background checks, or equipment
- Asks you to share your contact information such as an email address or phone number before starting a contract
- Asks you to accept a payment upfront or outside Upwork
- Wants to purchase your Upwork account
- Is misrepresenting their skills or skill level
- Sent a suspicious link or something that looks like a scam
- Sent threatening or abusive messages
These are examples, but you can report any behavior that you think is suspicious or against Upwork’s Terms of Service, and we will follow up. Learn more about reporting violations and suspicious behavior here.
- iPhone Upwork Messenger - Apple app store
- Android Upwork Messenger - Android app store
- Desktop app for Windows, Mac, and Linux for freelancers - download here. Your app activity will sync with your Messages tab in Upwork.
To create a new conversation, choose the three-dot menu on the left navigation bar, select Start a new conversation, and add any Upwork users from your address book. From the mobile app, choose the + icon.
Select the gear icon in your compose box to change the default behavior of "enter" from sending the message to creating a line break (or back again). Line breaks can also be added by pressing Alt + Enter or Ctrl + Enter or Shift + Enter.
To block or unblock someone:
- Go to Messages and find a conversation with the user
- Select their profile icon in the module on the right, then select Block or Unblock
Important notes about blocking:
- When you block someone, you won't be able to send each other messages in conversations where you are the only participants. However, you will still be able to send each other messages in group conversations
- You can’t block anybody you have an active contract with
- After you block someone, you will still be able to see the conversation, in case you need to report something
To share contact information once a contract is in place, you must use your Contract Workroom. Each contract has its own workroom even when you have multiple contracts with one person. It includes everything you need to collaborate, including contract details and action buttons for working on the contract.
To mark a message as unread, choose the gear icon to the right of a sent message and select "Mark as Unread."
Choose the three-dot menu (...) in the left sidebar of your Upwork Messages screen and select Out of office in the drop-down menu. Once on the "Out-of-Office Responder" page, toggle the responder on, and set your away message and the start/end dates.
Click the three-dot menu over your conversation, then select Archive. This feature is only available on desktop or mobile web, not on the Upwork apps.
You can only archive group conversations. One-on-one, contract, and interview conversations can't be archived, but they can be hidden.
If you start to receive too many email notifications, or if you don't wish to receive any from your messages at all, you can change your settings. Select the three-dot menu in the left sidebar, then choose Message settings and update your preferences.
To update other kinds of notifications from Upwork, go to your Notification settings.
- Locate the message in the conversation where it was attached
- Hover over the relevant file or message and select the three dots (...) options menu
- Choose Download
You can’t download files through the files and links dropdown.
If you want to delete a message or file you’ve sent, you must do so within an hour of sending it. After that, you will not be able to delete the message or file. You will also need to be on your desktop or on the mobile web — deleting is not available on the Upwork apps.
- To delete a file, locate the message in the conversation where it was attached
- Hover over the relevant file or message and select the three dots (...) options menu
- Choose Delete
If you don’t see the delete button, it means the hour time limit to delete your file has passed. You can’t delete files through the files and links dropdown.
You can find a hidden conversation by typing the freelancer’s name or a phrase you remember from the conversation into the search bar above your messages, or use the filters to search through hidden and archived conversations.
Messaging shortcuts
Shortcut | Action |
Enter | Sends message |
Alt + Enter Ctrl + Enter Shift + Enter | Creates new line within message entry box |
Up-Arrow | Edit last message (messages can only be edited or deleted for one hour after being sent) |
Esc | Closes @ mention box if open; closes emoticon panel if open; cancels edit if editing message context |
Alt + up/down | For next/prev rooms |
Alt + shift + up/down | For going between rooms and unread rooms |
Ctrl + shift + f | Go to search |
Ctrl+shift+v | Paste a quote as text only |
/giphy [text] | To add an animated GIF in conversation, type /giphy on a new line followed by a keyword or phrase. You’ll see a GIF chooser pop up, and you can click “Shuffle” until you’re happy with the GIF displayed. Pressing “Send” will then display the GIF you’ve chosen in your Upwork Messages room. |
Message or Personal Notepad formatting shortcuts
Format | Shortcut | Example |
Bold | Wrap text in two "**"s or "__"s ** Some text** or __ Some text__
Some text |
Italic | Wrap text in a single "*" or "_"s * Some text* or _ Some text_
Some text |
Strikethrough | Wrap text in two "~~"s ~~ Some text~~
Some text |
Code block | Wrap text in "`"s for single-line codeblocks ` Some code`
Some code Note that no formatting happens within code blocks. This includes URL linking
Multi-line code block | Wrap text in "```" for multi-line code blocks (first line must contain just the quotes) ``` Some code Other line of code ```
Some codeOther line of code |
Blockquote | Start lines with ">" > Text quoted
Text quoted |
Insert emoji | Use the standard ":emoji_name:" format (colon wrapped) Unicode emoji are supported (e.g. from a smartphone's emoji keyboard) You can find additional emoji here :smile:
😊 |
Personal Notepad formatting shortcuts
Format | Action |
Bullet List | Start lines with "-" or "*" |
Nested list item | Start lines with spaces |
Numbered List | Start lines with number followed by "." (ex. 1.) |
Headings | Start line with #, ##, ###, ####, #####, ###### |
Links | Use the format [text](url) or |
Advanced Search Queries
For queries of just one word, double quotes are not needed. For queries consisting of two or more words, please add quotation marks or the second word won't be included in the search.
Action | Query format |
Get messages sent by a certain user |
Search for messages in a specific room |
Finds messages before/on the specific time in yyyyMMdd format |
Finds messages after/on the specific time in yyyyMMdd format |