If you need help plotting out a project or finding a great freelancer who can help you reach your goals, our team of Upwork Professionals is the answer.

As an Upwork Enterprise client, you have access to dedicated Upwork Professionals who give you extra support and guidance while hiring and working. Whether it’s help creating that perfect job post, or finding that superstar talent for your project, Upwork Professionals can guide you through the process.

How it works

Our professionals have a rich knowledge of our platform and are highly skilled in working with teams. They can help:

  • Scope and structure projects
  • Draft or post job posts
  • Source qualified talent for you to interview
  • Lay out best practices for pricing and attracting the top talent on our platform

Plus, working with Upwork Professionals gives you access to subject-matter experts in fields like technology, design and creative, marketing, and translations to help provide a consultative approach to your work.

Our pros can work with anybody on your team, but typically work with hiring managers. Your company can work with multiple Upwork Professionals to use some (or all) of the services we offer.

To connect with an Upwork Professional

If you’re interested in working with an Upwork Professional to find talent or would like to learn more about our program management offering, you can reach out to us at upworkprofessionals@upwork.com or contact us by completing this form.


Frequently Asked Questions

What can an Upwork Professional do for Enterprise clients?

Upwork Professionals add extra support through services like structuring your job posts and projects, sourcing qualified talent, giving advice as subject-matter experts, and more.

How much does it cost to work with an Upwork Professional?

This service is included as part of your Enterprise subscription fee.

How do I connect with my account manager?

If you don’t have contact information for your account manager, contact support.

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