Sign up

Signing up for Any Hire is simple and free. Enter your email and preferred password, sign up via Google or Apple, or use your existing Upwork login if you already have an account.

You can sign up here.

If you’re a first time user, you’ll see a prompt to review and accept the Any Hire Terms of Service before you continue.


If you want to hire talent you’ve found on Upwork, you’ll need to go through the conversion process. Learn more about proper use of Any Hire.

Create your offer — an overview

The dashboard is easy to use. Here’s an overview of the process:

  1. Select Start an offer from the home page or offers page of your Any Hire dashboard, or from the Jobs tab of your Upwork home page
  2. Enter your talent’s information, including the team you want to hire for within this contract, if you have multiple teams
  3. Select a contract type based on how you want to pay your talent — single payment, milestone payments, hourly payments, or fixed rate
  4. Tell us your offer’s details, including the title, scope of work, expected start and end dates, and expected weekly hours worked
  5. Select whether you need classification support
  6. If you choose to receive Upwork’s classification support, we’ll ask you a few final questions to help determine the classification for your talent and provide our recommendation. If you decide to make your own classification, you may choose to hire your talent as an independent contractor or as an employee
  7. Review the offer’s terms and send the invite to talent

Create your offer — detailed steps

Provide your talent’s information

First, let your talent know that you are sharing their information and may be sending them an offer.

Next, you can tell us what team you’re hiring for within the contract, if you’re using teams. Then, you’ll need to tell us the following about your talent:

  1. Their name
  2. Their email address
  3. Their job title
  4. The country where they’re located

The country where talent is located should be the country where they are physically located when providing their services to you. Be sure to double check this information, since this is critical for determining the classification, whether you make the classification for yourself or use Upwork’s classification services.

If you choose Upwork’s support for classification, we may need more information about the talent you want to hire. If so, we’ll prompt you to send our questionnaire to them. We may also ask you a few additional questions, depending on the job and location.

We’ll notify you once we get that questionnaire back from talent and make a classification determination.

Decide what type of contract you want

You can choose from several types of contracts on Any Hire, for flexibility on how you work and pay. To decide what type of contract you want, consider the work that you need to have completed.

Is it a one-time, fixed scope project? You might decide to choose a single payment contract.

Is it a one-time project but larger in scope, with multiple steps? You might consider using milestones to divide the project into parts. You’ll make a payment as each section is completed.

For longer-term projects or projects with an uncertain duration, you might want to set up an hourly contract. In an hourly contract, talent logs their work hours each week to get paid at the rate you’ve both agreed to in the contract.

You can also choose a fixed rate contract with set weekly or bi-weekly payments for a longer-term project. Talent will not be asked to log hours for this contract.

Note that the classification recommendation might affect the final contract. For example, if you need to engage a freelancer as an employee, you’ll need to pay according to the employment laws of that worker’s location.

Tell us more about the job

You’ll need to provide the following details:

  • Job title: Create a one line summary of the work, such as “Software engineer for an e-commerce business”
  • Scope of work: Describe what the work is about and what you hope the talent will do. You can add attachments to provide more information
  • Desired payment amount: Provide details regarding how much talent will be paid
  • Expected weekly hours: Provide the maximum number of hours that expect talent to work — this helps set expectations for talent, and it is required for classification if you use our classification services
  • Estimated start and end dates: Enter the dates when you intend to start and finish the contract. If you don’t know the end date yet, you can check, "I’m not sure."
Tell us how you and your talent will work together

If you choose to use our classification services, you’ll answer multiple choice questions to let us know how you and talent will collaborate to get the job done. Using our classification services is optional.

Classification and estimate of costs

Hiring in the United States

If you choose to use our classification services, Any Hire will review your information and provide you with a classification recommendation.

You’ll have the option to accept our recommendation or to engage with a different classification. However, if you reject our recommendation, you will not be protected by up to $50,000 in indemnification against misclassification liability.

We’ll also provide you with a preview of your estimated monthly costs in the contract details section. This estimate includes the payment to talent and any applicable payroll and benefits, as well as any applicable taxes and fees.

Hiring outside the United States

We may have a few additional questions about the work and planned payments depending on your location and the location of the talent.

Then Any Hire will provide you with a recommended classification, and for Upwork Payroll engagements outside of the U.S., you will receive a preliminary estimate of your costs. This initial quote will give you a general idea of how much your contract might cost in the country where you are hiring so that you can decide whether to keep going forward with the process.

If you’re still interested after seeing the initial quote, select Proceed with quote to continue. Our Payroll Operations Team will work directly with you to finalize costs and finish the onboarding process. It can take up to 4 weeks to finish the process and begin working with international talent.

Review your offer details

You can review the details of your contract in the Offer details section. You can also review the terms that will govern your relationship with talent by selecting contractor agreement from this section.

If you haven’t entered a billing method yet, we’ll prompt you to do so. You’ll need to enter a billing method before you can send the offer.

You can choose whether we bill you and pay talent weekly or bi-weekly on most contracts by selecting Manage billing cadence from the (...) menu. The cadence defaults to weekly if you don’t make a selection.

You can also see when we will charge you and when we will make funds available to talent by hovering over the schedule icon and when you open the manage billing cadence feature. Red and green dots below the dates indicate the billing and payment dates.


In some situations, the payment rules for your location may require that we pay talent on a specific schedule, such as weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

Send offer

When you’re ready to move forward with the contract, select Send offer from the Offer details page. We’ll prompt you with a reminder to include an optional personal message for talent if you want.

Once you’ve sent the offer, you’ll see it in the Offers section of your Any Hire dashboard. If you would like to create another offer from the dashboard, select Start an offer to begin.

Billing and payments

Add a billing method

To add a billing method, go to your settings page and enter your information. That’s all you have to do — you’ll automatically be billed and charged on a weekly or bi-weekly basis for any active contracts.

How we bill you

We bill for any contract that is active for any part of a billing period. To keep things simple for you, we combine all costs into one single payment.

This billing includes the talent’s payment, the Any Hire per-contract and payment processing fees, any EOR charges, and applicable taxes. Invoices have a clear, easy-to-read, per-contract breakdown of all fees and costs that were charged in the payment.

Releasing payment to talent

For single payment and milestone contracts, you’ll have either 7 or 14 days to approve the work that the freelancer submits or request changes, depending on whether you choose a weekly or bi-weekly cadence.

For hourly contracts, talent will log hours on a weekly basis and be paid either every week or bi-weekly depending on the cadence you select. We’ll bill you on Monday, you’ll have until Thursday night at midnight UTC time to review the hours, and we’ll release the payment to talent on Friday.

For a fixed rate contract talent will be paid weekly or bi-weekly without having to log hours.


You can edit the cadence on an active independent contractor engagement. If you do so, we’ll send talent an email notifying them, and the new cadence will apply after the current billing cycle.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you determine if I should hire someone as an independent contractor or as an employee?

This is a key optional feature of Any Hire. The classification recommendation is determined on a case-by-case basis by analyzing business details and the nature of the work. The classification recommendation provided by Upwork is intended to provide you with the peace of mind that the classification is legally sound and we provide up to $50,000 in indemnification against misclassification claims if you choose to follow our recommended classification.

You are not required to follow Upwork’s classification recommendation, but if you choose not to do so, Upwork cannot offer the indemnification against misclassification claims.

Related Content: Worker Classification: Employee vs Independent Contractor

Does Upwork act as the EOR for my international employees?

No. When you sign up with Any Hire, you’ll give us information about your business and how you work. If you need an EOR, we’ll work with one of our third-party vendors.

What happens if worker classification laws change?

We stay up-to-date with these legal requirements. If there are changes, we address them as appropriate.

Am I protected against misclassification risk when using Any Hire?

If you use Any Hire’s classification services and accept our classification recommendation, we indemnify you for up to $50,000 of misclassification liability to the extent caused by our recommendation.

Can I find talent on the marketplace and then use Any Hire to set up the contract?

Any Hire is only for contracting professionals that you found outside of Upwork. For talent you find on Upwork, you can work with them via the Marketplace or through Project Catalog.

How much does Any Hire cost?

Aside from the talent’s fees, every active Any Hire contract costs $49 a month. If any of your Any Hire contracts are supported through the Upwork Payroll solution, you will also be charged the EOR fees, which may include additional taxes, fees for benefits, and other costs, as required by labor law in your talent’s country.

We invoice these fees for every Upwork Payroll engagement that was active during the biweekly period, including contracts that were only active for a portion of the period. Payment processing fees and taxes on payment processing fees are applied when payment is initiated.

What is the cost to hire independent contractors with Any Hire?
It's $49.00 USD a month per active hire, plus a 3% payment processing fee on credit card, debit card, or PayPal transactions. If you are eligible and use a checking account (ACH), payment processing fees aren't charged.
Why does Any Hire show such a large range on the employer burden costs in my estimate?

Each country, and in many cases regions within a country, have their own laws and regulations which influences the employer burden for payroll contracts. Since Any Hire is a global product offering, it is difficult for us to provide a more detailed estimate until you provide Any Hire with more details.

What does the employer burden in my estimate cover for international payroll?

The specifics of the employer burden vary by location, however it will include items such as: payroll taxes, benefits and insurance. We will make the exact details available to you should you choose to proceed with an international payroll quote.

What is included in the “estimated taxes” line item that appears when I review an offer?

The “estimated taxes” line item is an estimate of the taxes that will be charged each month based on a contract’s details. Countries and jurisdictions where you live or do business may charge taxes that apply to services you purchase from Upwork, such as Any Hire service fees, for example.

We’re required to comply with the tax laws of the countries where we do business, including collecting taxes and remitting them — which means to send the money we collect from you to the tax authority of the government that requires the tax.

Related content: Tax Information for Clients

What billing methods are supported?

Any Hire currently supports payment by major credit or debit card, and by PayPal. ACH payment (payment through a U.S. bank account) is also available for eligible clients.

You can set up your primary billing method on your client dashboard.

What is the process for billing?

Unlike other Upwork products, we bill Any Hire engagements every week or every two weeks (depending on the billing cadence you select) regardless of whether they are hourly or project-based contracts. Your payment includes costs for all active Any Hire contracts.

The billing cycle ends on Sunday, and we invoice and charge your payment method on the following Monday.

What kind of contracts are available through Any Hire?
  • Single Payment: You’ll pay your talent a lump sum at the end of successful completion of a clearly defined project.
  • Milestone Payment: You’ll pay your talent lump sums at the end of each successfully completed phase of a multi-phase project.
  • Hourly Rate: You’ll pay your talent based on how many hours they work in a given week, at the hourly rate set in the contract.
  • Fixed Rate: You’ll pay your talent a predetermined amount each pay period.
Do I need to pre-fund my fixed-price contracts?

No. With Any Hire, you do not have to pre-fund fixed-price contracts — we invoice and bill following the same two-week cycle as all other Any Hire contracts. You can approve completed work at any time. Payment will also be deemed approved if your talent requests approval and you do not request changes within 7 or 14 days (depending on the billing cadence you selected).

When am I invoiced for Employment (Upwork Payroll) contracts?

We invoice and bill your Upwork Payroll engagements on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, as long as the EOR submits their own invoice within that period. Sometimes EORs are legally required to pay monthly. In these cases, we will bill and invoice you once a month, in the billing period that we received the EOR invoice.

When does hourly talent need to log hours?

Professionals with hourly contracts have the same weekly deadlines as any other hourly contract on Marketplace, even when the invoice will be biweekly. They must log their hours weekly before the end of the billing period. The billing period ends at the end of Sunday, at 12 am Monday morning UTC. Talent has 12 hours to finish logging and reviewing their hours, which ends at 12 pm UTC on Monday.

When will I see my invoices on the site?

We’ll post invoices on the day after the billing cycle, the same day that you are charged. The exception is refunds, which can be invoiced at any time during a billing cycle. Any Hire refund processes are exactly the same as for any other Upwork contracts, with the exception that the Any Hire fee cannot be refunded.

How will my charge show up?

You will receive a single combined charge per billing cycle for all Any Hire contracts the day after the billing period ends. This charge does not include regular Marketplace contracts or adjustments, both of which will appear in your standard Upwork Marketplace dashboard.

When will talent be paid?

We pay talent on your behalf after you are successfully charged and a four day security period has passed. Once you are charged, talent will see the payment as pending, and after the hold period is over they will see the funds as available.

For example, if your payment method is successfully charged on Monday, your talent will see the funds the same day and will be able to withdraw them by that Friday. Any delay in charging your payment method delays your talent’s payment by the same amount.

Is there payment protection?

We do not provide payment protection for Any Hire contracts. If your payment method fails, we cannot pay your talent on your behalf.

Is there a dispute process?

Upwork does not provide dispute resolution services for Any Hire contracts. Since you have a preexisting relationship with the talent, you may be able to address any disputes directly.

Can I add a bonus for my talent?

Yes. To give a bonus:

  1. Go to Jobs > All Contracts
  2. Find the freelancer name/contract
  3. Select Give Bonus
  4. Fill out the form (you can add a private note and other details)
  5. Choose Make Payment


Bonuses, depending upon their purpose and amount, can affect worker classification, and in turn, eligibility for the up to $50,000 in indemnification related to the Any Hire classification recommendation.

Are refunds available?

Refunds are not available directly in the Any Hire experience, but can be processed through the standard Upwork Marketplace or with the assistance of a customer support agent.

Can I reimburse expenses incurred by talent on my project?

Any Hire does not currently support expense reimbursement. Independent professionals generally bear their own expenses and many incorporate such costs into their billing rates. For Upwork Payroll engagements, expenses may be reimbursed depending on type and applicable law.

Can I set minimum weekly hours?

No. Any Hire does not support weekly hour minimums.

Can my coworkers work with me on Any Hire to help hire, coordinate projects and pay talent?

Yes, you can invite coworkers to Any Hire to help hire and pay talent and to coordinate projects. To get started, you’ll need the coworker’s email address. You’ll also need to decide what role they’ll play and what permissions they’ll need. For example, if a coworker will only be processing payments, you’ll choose Finance for their admin role. Learn more here.

Where can I see my payroll service fees for my Any Hire contracts?
You can see your payroll service fee as a line item on your invoices and in your transaction history.
Why did my milestone contract end?

When you approve the final milestone of an Any Hire milestone contract, you’re also ending the contract. The work on the contract is considered complete when you select the "Approve, end contract" button. If you need more milestones completed, you’ll need to start a new contract.


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