We’re excited that you were so happy with your freelancer that you want to hire them again. Luckily, rehiring a former freelancer is easy!
Rehire a freelancer or agency
- Go to Hire talent > Your Hires to see the talent you've worked with on past projects. If the freelancer’s profile is public, you may also be able to find them by typing their name directly into the Talent search bar
- Select the (...) button next to the talent you want to rehire
- Select the rehire option from the dropdown menu
- Select the contract terms and send an offer
When you make an offer, the freelancer can accept or decline. They could also message you to discuss alternative terms. If the freelancer declines, you may make a new offer.
Once the freelancer receives and accepts your rehire offer, the contract begins. You can confirm that your new contract is active by going to the Manage work tab and checking the list in Your active contracts. If it is an hourly job, your freelancer can't log time until the start date.