Do you want to review the proposals you have before deciding whether you need more? Or are you in the interview and hiring stage and want to stop receiving new proposals?

To help you control the flow of proposals, we offer public and private job post visibility. You can stop more freelancers and agencies from submitting proposals for your active job by changing the visibility status to private. If you decide that you want more proposals later, you can make your post public again.

To change your job to private

  1. Locate the job by selecting View job posts on your dashboard
  2. Choose Make Private from the (...) options menu

Pro tip:

You can also see your job posts by selecting View your job posts from the workspace of your Enterprise Dashboard.

You can also stop proposals by closing your job post entirely. If you don't plan to hire any (or any more) freelancers or agencies for your job, please close it. You can always come back and repost it later if your needs change.

To close your job

  1. Locate the job by View job posts on your dashboard
  2. Choose Remove Posting from the (...) options menu


When you change a job’s visibility, it may still be accessible to some freelancers who had bookmarked it in their browsers or whose feed readers already downloaded it. It may also still be visible if you allowed search engines to access it when you first posted the job as public. It takes about a day (and sometimes up to a week) for search engines to re-index so that it no longer appears in their results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I stop getting new proposals without closing my job post?

Yes, we offer public and private job post visibility status to help you control the flow of proposals. If you have enough proposals or need time to review the ones you already have, you can change the visibility status to private. If you decide you want more proposals later, you can make it public again.

Why am I still getting proposals after switching my status to private?

Your job post may still be accessible to some freelancers who had bookmarked it in their browsers or whose feed readers already downloaded it. Or, it may still be visible if you allowed search engines to access it when you first posted the job as public. It takes about a day (and sometimes up to a week) for search engines to re-index so that it no longer appears in their results.

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