India requires Upwork to collect goods and services tax (GST) and remit it to India’s government if we do not have a valid Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) on file for your company. GST is a tax on goods or services, including our services to your company.

Examples of services that GST applies to in India

  • Enterprise Service Fee

  • Enterprise Service Fee Overage Fee

  • Enterprise Subscription Fee

  • Enterprise - Billing Fee

  • Enterprise Service Fee (BYO)

  • Enterprise - Payroll Service Fee (BYO)

  • Enterprise Service Fee non-US

  • Enterprise Service Fee US

When we charge tax, it’s because your government requires us to, which means this tax may change or apply to additional services in the future.


If you provide a valid GSTIN to Upwork, we will not have to collect this tax from you.

For questions about GST in India, or to submit your GSTIN, please contact your account team or reach out to Enterprise Support for assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who has to pay GST?

India’s GST applies to services we provide to both freelancers and clients, including Enterprise companies, if they reside, have a permanent address, or are established in India and have not provided us with a valid GSTIN. 

Why are you collecting GST?

We’re required to comply with the tax laws of the countries where we operate to continue to do business in those countries. India requires that we collect GST on Upwork services and remit them to your government unless we have a valid GSTIN on file for your company.

What Enterprise services are taxed for GST?

Examples of services that GST applies to include the following:

  • Enterprise Service Fee

  • Enterprise Service Fee Overage Fee

  • Enterprise Subscription Fee

  • Enterprise - Billing Fee

  • Enterprise Service Fee (BYO)

  • Enterprise - Payroll Service Fee (BYO)

  • Enterprise Service Fee non-US

  • Enterprise Service Fee US

This list is not static and the types of taxable fees may change if the tax regulations of your government change.

Do you still collect GST tax if my company provides Upwork with a valid GSTIN?

No, if your company provides a valid GSTIN, we will not have to collect and remit GST for your company. To submit your GSTIN or get help with GST, please reach out to your company’s account team or contact Enterprise Support.

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