To help you make this your home for work, we support several different browsers so that you can use the one you like the best. We support the latest two versions of these browsers:

Desktop Android iOS
Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox
Apple Safari
Google Chrome Apple Safari

Time Tracking supported browsers

The Upwork Time Tracker App (for freelancers tracking time on an hourly contract) is compatible with the following operating systems:

  • Windows 11 64-bit
  • Windows 10 64-bit
  • macOS 13 Ventura
  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS 64 bit

Although the Time Tracker app may work with other versions or browsers, we don’t officially support them, which means that we are limited in the troubleshooting and resolutions we can provide.

Enable TLS

No matter which browser you’re using, you must enable TLS protocols to securely access the Upwork website and app. We have disabled SSL protocols because they are outdated and insufficiently secure. This is generally only an issue on older Windows systems.

If you are on a Windows PC and have a fast and stable Internet connection but still experience SSL error messages when visiting or a full cache in the Upwork desktop app, please check that you have TLS protocols enabled. We disabled SSL protocols to improve security for all users and protect from cyberattacks (for example, SSL is vulnerable to POODLE attacks).

To Enable TLS on Windows

  1. Open your Control Panel, select Internet Options, then choose the Advanced tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Security section of the Settings list. Uncheck the SSL boxes to disable all SSL protocols and check the TLS boxes to enable all TLS protocols.

Activate TLS on desktop

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