To help you organize and complete your projects, we created contract workrooms.

The contract workroom is a page with everything you need to collaborate with talent on contracts, all in one place. It has details about your contract and action buttons for working on the contract. Each contract has its own workroom, even if you have multiple contracts with one person.

You can access it through the Jobs and JobsAll Contracts pages by choosing the name of a contract.

In the contract workroom, you can:

  • Search and send messages and files, or start a video/audio chat
  • Schedule a meeting
  • Make payments and review your billing history and invoices for that contract
  • Check your freelancer's Work Diary and timesheets (hourly contracts)
  • Raise rates, adjust weekly limits, allow/disallow manual time, and manage activity codes (hourly contracts)
  • Review, approve, and create new milestones (fixed-price contracts)
  • Review or add items to the to-do’s list (hourly contracts)
  • Access the original job post and proposals
  • See your freelancer's verified name

Using the contract workroom

You can access actions to take on the contract from the ellipsis drop-down menu (...) at the top right-hand corner of the contract workroom page. The options you see in that drop-down menu will vary depending on your contract’s current status.

You can also open the header tabs to access specific information and actions for the contract. Learn more about what’s under the header tabs by opening the dropdown headers below:


From the overview tab, you can see the contract’s to-do list, this week’s billings, and recent files. You can also add to-do’s and upload files.

For fixed-price contracts, you can see milestone timelines. You can add or edit milestones, review and approve work, and request revisions from here.

The overview section also has action buttons for taking the next step on your contract. For example, if talent has submitted work on a fixed price contract and is waiting for payment, you’ll see a pay button. If the contract is already finished, you’ll see a leave feedback button during the two-week feedback period.

Timesheets (hourly contracts)

For hourly contracts, you can see talent’s Work Diary at a glance under the timesheets tab. You can also view recent transactions for the past 30 days.

For information about older transactions, you can choose the transactions report button at the bottom of the page to easily access that report.


View your messages with talent or send a message. You can also view attachments, schedule a meeting, or record and share a Loom video on this page.


In the details tab, you’ll see:

  • A summary and description of the contract
  • The original job post and proposal
  • The team the contract has been assigned to
  • Feedback
  • Recent activity
  • Other information about the talent

On hourly contracts, you can also raise rates, adjust weekly limits, allow/disallow manual time, and manage activity codes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the contract workroom?

The contract workroom is a designated page for your contract. There you can find several things you need for collaboration and organization, all in one convenient place. You can see details about your contract, action buttons for working on it, shared files, messages, recent payments, and more. You’ll have a separate workroom for each contract, even if you have multiple contracts with one freelancer.

Where is the to-do list?

For hourly contracts, you can find the to-do list is under the Overview tab, along with recent billings and files.

Where can I see my freelancer’s Work Diary?

For hourly contracts, you can see your Work Diary at a glance under the Timesheets tab. You can also view recent transactions for the past 30 days.

Where can I find files and attachments in the contract room?

For your convenience, you can see your most recent files for a contract in the Overview section of the contract workroom. You can also find all your contract’s attachments in the Messages section.

Can I access older transactions from the contract room?

For information about older transactions, you can choose the transactions report button at the bottom of the page to easily access that report.

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