The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a change that gives EU residents more clarity and control over how their personal data is used. Personal data is anything that can directly or indirectly identify a person, such as a photo, name, bank details, medical information, computer IP address, and so on. This European-wide law replaces the 1995 Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC.

Learn more about how Upwork is complying with GDPR in the here.

What does this mean for you and Upwork?

Upwork’s Legal and Information Security and Privacy teams have done the necessary due diligence to be in compliance with these GDPR requirements.

We value our users’ privacy and their rights to control their personal data. Regardless of where you call home, you may delete your account or request the deletion of all personal information we have about you at any time. However, we will only be following the requirements outlined by the GDPR for those living in the EEA. If you live elsewhere, we will be happy to delete your data to the extent we can reasonably do so.

How do I submit a GDPR DSAR request?

You can visit Upwork's Privacy Center to submit a GDPR DSAR request.

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