This Subpoena Protocol is for serving third-party subpoenas and similar process (such as national security letters) on Upwork. All legal process against Upwork should be served on our Registered Agent; Upwork does not accept service of legal process against Upwork via mail or email to Upwork.

The following legal protocols are in place for the security of our community and to facilitate service of subpoenas on Upwork. Upwork fully complies with all validly served subpoenas but reserves the right to object and withhold all or some responsive documents for any reason permitted by law, as noted further below.

U.S. and International Civil Subpoenas

We comply with civil subpoenas and similar processes and letters that have been validly served in compliance with the law that applies to the subpoena, provided that the court or entity issuing the subpoena or similar process to Upwork has jurisdiction to do so. The statutes governing service of the subpoena control service, but Upwork generally accepts service via our registered agent or mail, as noted below. Given the hardships imposed by the global pandemic on in-person process and process by mail, we currently are also accepting civil subpoenas served via email to

Criminal Subpoenas, Court Orders, Warrants, and Governmental Information Requests

When we receive a request from a government for information about a user or account, our team reviews the request to make sure it satisfies legal requirements and Upwork’s policies. Generally speaking, for us to produce any data, the request must be made in writing, signed by an authorized official of the requesting agency and issued under an appropriate law. If we believe a request is overly broad, we'll seek to narrow it.

Criminal subpoenas, court orders, warrants, and other lawful governmental requests may be sent to Upwork via our registered agent or mail, as noted below. Given the hardships imposed by the global pandemic on in-person process and process by mail, we currently are also accepting criminal subpoenas served via email to

Agent Service

Civil and criminal subpoenas may be served on our registered agent, Registered Agent Solutions, Inc. (RASi). You can contact RASi at 1-888-705-7274 or visit their website at

Mail Service

Civil and criminal subpoenas may be served by mail to the following address:

Upwork Inc.

ATTN: Legal

655 Montgomery St., STE 490, DPT 17022

San Francisco, CA 94111-2676

Upwork Privacy Policy

We comply with our Privacy Policy with respect to the disclosure of User information, which is available here.

Policies Regarding Online Communications

Upwork is subject to the provisions of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. §2701 et seq., which prohibits an electronic communications service provider from producing the contents of electronic communications, even pursuant to legal process, except in limited circumstances.

Obtaining Information About Your Own Account

Users have access to information about their own accounts. For assistance on finding information about your own account, please contact Enterprise Support. You can also find the link to contact Enterprise Support by selecting Get Help from your Enterprise Dashboard or at the bottom of any Help page.

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